Parish Education

Parish Education Ministry responsibility is to plan for and have oversight of all educational programs within the congregation with especial focus on the children, the youth, and the adults in the program historically known as Sunday School.  Other learning opportunities are to be encouraged by this ministry inclusive of bible study, home gatherings, and field trips of learning events.  Though generally under the purview of the Pastor(s), studies of First Communion and Confirmation shall also be a concern.

Before the pandemic, Living Grace had Adult Bible Study every Sunday between the 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. services.  Since the pandemic, Living Grace has gone to one service at 9:30, therefore there is no Adult Bible Study on Sundays.  However, we have been offering Bible Studies in the evenings and afternoons, via ZOOM and in-person.  We continue this offering as we determine studies on Sundays.   At this time, the children and youth do not meet for Sunday School, but parents are encouraged to teach their children at home.